Sunday, May 27, 2012

Kept a few

 After a few days of some wicked unpredictable storms lingering around, I decided to give it a shot this afternoon. The last few times I have targeted Flounder I have caught a few decent keepers and returned them to swim another day, but after mutterings of that reaching back to my father in law who loves fresh flounder, I decided to bring him a few. As i started my paddle I took a look around and thought to myself these days are truly numbered, the summer season is almost upon us . While there will be plenty of bikini's to enjoy  with that comes lots of boat traffic, which can be nerve racking for us fishing in our plastic vessels.

  I started my day off with a nice 25-30in. blue, that snapped my line as I tried to swing him over the yak(Bummer)but I got to experience a beautiful fight between us. I then bottom bounced jig heads and gulp in and around various structure, in the inlet.The bite today started out a little slow, but persistence pays off . I ended the day with 12 Flounder total 5 of which were keepers and a few croakers too

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Flound'em Hungry

 Today I managed to get off a little early, so I decided to wet a hook. I had thought about hitting Lynnhaven, but after hearing rumblings of a stale bite recently, I opted to head to Rudee. I launched shortly  before 4pm and quickly found that I was one of the only one's there, except the seal fleet. As I kept looking at the dark end clouds I was beginning to second guess my decision,but NO Thunder NO problem, so i threw on my GULP, and went to work. I  spent about four hours on the water today, and managed around ten flounder up to 20in .three croaker,one speck and a spot. I was fishing the slack into the outgoing tide. All fish were caught on Pogy gulp on  1/4 jig heads.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Flounderin Around

Today 5/7/12 I hit one of my favorite little holes called Rudee Inlet. I frequent this place for a number of reasons  #1 It's close to home.#2 Launching is free and convenient. #3 You can start fishing within 100 yrds of ramp. #4 You can target a number of different specie's as well. That being said these little perks are one's that make it a desired location for me. 

  On this particular day I was targeting (Flounder).They can be found around structure , creek inlets, and ambush points.While flounder are predator fish, they lay and wait in these places for bait to swim by, relying on there natural camo to stay stealthy. 

Today I was using white pogy gulp minnow's, on 1/4 ounce non painted jig head's. I like to make long cast, and bottom bounce the jig. I prefer to use a med/hvy action rod with a fast tip, paired with 30 # braid and, a 15-20# flouro leader. I ended up with 8 flounder, 3 of which were 18 inch range, and the others were in the 14-16 inch range. I also managed a few blues, and a couple small speckled trout, definitely not a bad way to spend a afternoon after work.